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Hunger Relief Network

The Network

The MBC Hunger Relief Network is a group hunger relief ministries operated by cooperating Missouri Baptist churches, associations, mission partners and other agencies.

If your church has an active hunger ministry, consider joining us! Contact us ( for more information.

The Need

Recent studies indicate 1 in 8 Missourians is food insecure.  The US Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity using two levels:

  • Low food security (old label=Food insecurity without hunger): reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. Little or no indication of reduced food intake.
  • Very low food security (old label=Food insecurity with hunger): reports of multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.

Missouri Baptists provide resources for church, association, and some special events to reduce food insecurity in Missouri.

100% of your gifts to the Hunger Relief Network reduces food insecurity: 20% stays in Missouri while 80% goes to international causes.

Hunger Relief Ministry Grants

Limited grants are available to Missouri Baptist Churches and organizations who are participating in hunger relief ministry. Find out if you qualify and apply for a grant using the links below.

Hunger Fund Reporting

To submit a quarterly hunger funding report, click here:
